Beautiful skin: It’s more than skin deep
I have friends give me comments all of the time, “You’re glowing!”, “What moisturizer do you use?”, “You are so lucky”. It has even gone as far as the employees at my local Sephora calling over coworkers to gawk over my makeup-free skin.
No, I am not telling you this to be narcissistic or to cause insecurity if you feel that your skin isn’t where you would want it to be in the “glow” department. I am here to share exactly what it is I do to achieve healthy skin. It isn’t an expensive moisturizer, I have spent anywhere from $5 to $85 on a facial moisturizer and they’ve all made very little difference to my skins natural condition and no, I don’t see an expensive dermatologist (I actually never have in my entire life).
My secret to healthy skin really isn’t a secret at all. I use proper nutrition to get my healthy skin from within and supplement topically when needed. It really is as simple as that. Your skin will show what’s going on inside of your body. EAT for the skin you want. Like any disappointing truth in the health and beauty world, there really is no secret pill or cream or one single “miracle food” that will yield the aesthetic results you’re looking for…. because all of our bodies are different, we have different nutritional needs and all are on our own unique health journey. And even when healthy skin is achieved we may never live to the standards of our pore-free, perfect browed, photoshop ridden world of selfies. *sigh*
With that revolutionary truth said, there is one “golden outline”, as I call this for my hate of the exclusivity of the word rule, me (and with some “research” I have found many supermodels) follow. Enter: the alkaline diet.
Alkaline? That sounds like a battery… I’m not eating batteries… Maybe that’s just what I thought when I first started learning about it but here’s what it is (battery free for all of you battery free eaters out there).
The alkaline diet is mostly vegetarian, it consists of foods that keep acidity levels low in your body. In addition to adding healthy foods, it is also important to cut out as many acidic foods as you can (also understanding some of these acidic foods are staples for many people in America like good old fashioned milk, bread and eggs).
There are ridiculous amounts of research done on this (by more scientifically credible sources than supermodels), so much that I can honestly just tell you to Google “Alkaline Diet” and so many amazing books have been written on the subject it will nock the socks off of your Amazon account. One of my favorite authors on this subject matter is Dr. Otto Wanberg . Although his research predominantly focused on Cancer, the idea behind an alkalized diet being key rings true.
All in all though eat as many fresh raw green veggies and drink as many cups of herbal tea as your health seeking heart desires! Do your best to cut out the sugar, coffee and red meat most of us already know isn’t the greatest for us anyway. Find what works for YOU, your budget your lifestyle and your goals. Everyone comes from a different circumstance and I am not the type of blogger to ever criticize anyone for their personal choices but to offer my knowledge and experiences that can hopefully help anyone who is interested (it’s okay if you aren’t J).
The basic idea is that a body that is less acidic will lead to an overall tremendously healthier YOU.
Que glowy skin and fascinated Sephora employees. Enjoy!
And for those of you dying to see this “glowing skin” I’ve been boasting, here’s a (maybe too much glowy thank you flash) picture!

Maybe she’s born with it? Maybe she eats really green?
Much love,